The COPD assessment test

How is your COPD? Take the COPD Assessment Test™ (CAT)

This questionnaire will help you and your healthcare professional to measure the impact that COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) is having on your wellbeing and daily life. Your answers and test score can be used by you and your healthcare professional to help improve the management of your COPD and gain the greatest benefit from the treatment. 

*** This form will be submitted electronically by standard email as a password-protected pdf file directly to the practice nurse. If you wish to send your name and date of birth in a de-identified manner please write a bogus name and advise reception by phone to link to your file. ***

  • Instruction

    For each item below, select the box that best describes your current situation. Please ensure that you only select one response for each question.

    When you submit the questionnaire, you will see your score at the next screening with an explanation.

    Score Guide

    Impact level
    Low: <10
    Medium: 10-20
    High: 21-30
    Very High: 30>

  • A COPD assessment test was developed by an interdisciplinary group of international COPD experts with support from GSK.
    GSK’s activities in connection with the COPD assessment test are monitored by a supervisory council that includes external, independent experts, one of which is chair of the council.
    CAT, the COPD assessment test and the CAT logo are trademarks that belong to the GSK group of companies.
    ©2009 GSK. All rights reserved.